Compared To Traditional Markets Digital Markets Have – Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Market, Digital Products learning objectives Identify the unique characteristics of e-commerce, digital marketplaces, and digital products. Explains how internet technology has transformed business models. specify different types of e-commerce and explains how e-commerce is changing retail and business-to-business transactions. Assess the role of m-commerce in business and describe the main m-commerce applications, identifying cost-effective systems for e-commerce.
Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Products Electronic Commerce and the Internet E-commerce is the use of the internet and web for business transactions for digital transactions. The history of the commercial began in 1995 when was first recognized. Advertising. The bubble burst in 2001 and continued to grow at a rate of 16 percent per year despite several companies. failed place Many survive with huge profits, such as eBay, Amazon, Google, the current fastest-growing form of trade linking trade between America, Europe and Asia. Overview of trade development Table 10-1
Compared To Traditional Markets Digital Markets Have
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 Marketing: Digital Marketing Digital E-Commerce and the Growth of Internet Commerce This picture shows the continued growth of trade. The dot-com bubble burst in March 2001. E-commerce revenue has grown steadily since 1995 and has recently “stabilized” at a 16 percent annual growth rate expected. will remain the same in 2010 Figure 10-1
Emerging Markets Leap Forward In Digital Banking Innovation And Adoption
Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Marketing, Digital Goods E-Commerce and the Internet8 Unique Features of Technology E-Commerce Everywhere Internet/web technology is available everywhere: at work, at home, in cars, etc. and 24/7. and access to the world. Technology is globally nationalized. reach different regions attract audiences around the world global standard Technical Standards Series: Internet Standards Global technical standards reduce market penetration and consumer search costs. A complete website can send a variety of messages including text, voice, and smileys.
Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, E-Commerce Digital Goods, and the Internet Eight Unique Features (continued) Interaction When Sellers Collaborate to Offer Products in the Marketplace data density will increase dramatically — all data available to all market participants. quantity and quality price transparency price transparency Personalized/Customized e-branding Price Differences: Technical Messages Products The Wall Street Journal Social technology can change. Technology creates user content and network communities. Support sharing with friends
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Trends E-Commerce and the Internet Key Concepts in E-Commerce Digital Markets Reducing Information Asymmetry Digital marketing is a “transparent” search cost, the effort to find the right product. transaction cost cost for joining price list The cost of changing merchant prices can be digital marketing pricing discrimination.
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Products Electronic Commerce, and the Internet Benefits of Consumer Exclusion This graphic shows how consumer costs can be reduced. This allows manufacturers to earn more money for the product. There are different levels of intermediaries in the distribution channel. Each level is added to the final price of a product, such as a shirt. Removing a layer reduces the final price to the customer. Figure 10-2
Ecommerce Defined: Types, History, And Examples
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Products Fundamentals of Electronic Commerce and the Internet in E-Commerce (continued) Digital Products Products that can be distributed through digital networks such as tapes, videos, computers, newspapers, books I Cost Production of one unit Almost all of the product cost: The marginal cost of the second unit of production. almost zero Delivery costs are very low as internet and digital product businesses are revolutionizing (publishers, record labels, etc.).
Management Information System Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Products E-Commerce Types of E-Commerce Business-to-consumer (B2C) When a business sells products and services to individuals. which is usually a consumer Work directly with any business listed on the internet. Business-to-business (B2B), when a business sells goods and services to consumers, usually another business. It is often a manufacturer-supplier relationship.
Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods Electronic Commerce A Net Market Figure 10-7 A net market is an online market where large numbers of buyers can purchase from multiple sellers.
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Products Electronic Commerce Market Net (e-Hub) Single Marketplace for Bulk Buyers and Sellers industry or individual buyers to negotiate, trade, to determine fair prices or profits. may support long term Long contract sale or short sale
Traditional Vs Contemporary Marketing Strategies
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Products E-commerce types E-commerce Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) where individuals sell directly through websites (commerce), Telemarketing (m-sales ) and sales. )
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 Ecommerce: Digital Marketplace Digital Products M-Commerce M-Commerce Services and Applications But it is growing products based on location services. Users can navigate . , GPS banking and financial services , HBL , esaypasa wireless ads , Yahoo to display ads on the mobile homepage , gaming and entertainment .
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Market Digital Products M-Commerce Global m-commerce revenue Figure 10-8 M-commerce sales are only a small part. of total sales- e-commerce, but that percentage is increasing.
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Market, Digital Products, M-Commerce, Mobile Web Data data compression small display screen Device-optimized wireless (mobile) content features and services The phone needed to drive users to information.
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Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Market, Digital Products E-Commerce Payment Source, Electronic Payment Type, Credit Card, Mobile Digital Shop, and Owner Identity and enter customer name credit card number and shipping information automatically when requested to be filled in. A digital payment system for cumulative purchases used for small payments ($10 or less) of recurring billing balances on your credit card or phone bill.
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 Ecommerce: Digital Market Digital Assets electronic payment system The asset value payment system enables online payments based on the value stored in online digital accounts. Expand your customer base or Peer-to-Peer (PayPal) today’s digital payment process . Accounts are used for online payments. Electronic credit reporting and payment systems Pay your monthly fee by electronic transfer or credit card.
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Products E-Commerce Payment Sources Digital Payment Systems for M-Commerce Three types of mobile payment systems used in Japan. The medical payment system is paid by credit or debit card or mobile phone credit card United States in the United States. Mobile phones have not yet appeared in mobile payment systems.
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Marketing, Digital Products Electronic Marketing Interactive and Personalization Websites are an important source of information about customer behavior, preferences and purchase patterns used to determine promotions, products, services and prices. Trackers: Collect information on customer activity on websites used to create personalized web pages. Collaborative analytics: Compare customer data with other customers to recommend Amazon products.
Is Microstrategy Margin Call ‘much Ado About Nothing’? Why Michael Saylor Plans To Keep Stacking Bitcoin
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-commerce: Digital Marketing, Digital Products E-Commerce Websites Websites Visitor Tracking Figure 10-3 This graphic shows how clickstream tracking works and merchants can report on the activity of customers on their website. Various metrics exist for different types of user behavior. From the time spent on the page to the items purchased and placed in the shopping cart but not purchased. An e-commerce website is a tool for tracking every step a customer takes through an online store. A closer look at customer behavior on women’s clothing websites reveals what stores can learn from each step and how they can increase sales.
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-commerce: Digital Marketing, Digital Products E-Commerce Website Personalization This graphic shows the type of Personalization Where clickstream tracking is possible, businesses can create unique web pages that display targeted information or advertisements about products or services for individual users. Improve customer experience and create added value Figure 10-4
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Marketing, Digital Products E-Commerce Blogs Personal web pages with a series of articles by the author and links to related web pages have more influence in politics, information, consumers, by educators. market Blog analysis of new products and services, Coca-Cola discussions, Dell’s personal customer service website, and reducing the need for support agents who specialize in answering customer questions or providing product information to customers: “supersites” that provide Comprehensive service of resources and services on the Internet.
Management Information Systems Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods E-Commerce B2B E-Commerce: New Skills and Relationships Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Computer-to-Computer Transfer Standard for Transaction such as Invoices, Orders Sales Industry main have An industry-specific EDI standard that defines the electronic document structure and data points for a product. Negotiating with suppliers, placing orders, etc.
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